About The Butterfly Project!
Our Mission Statement
We at the University Texas Medical Branch represent The Butterfly Project, by practicing interprofessional student care through a volunteer effort aimed towards the infant, pediatric, labor and delivery, antepartum, postpartum and bereavement population of UTMB and the Galveston Community; we hold the highest integrity to represent our organization academically and professionally in order to grow into strong advocates for the health care profession.
Our goals:
The purpose of The Butterfly Project is to bridge the interdisciplinary gap between UTMB school by:
1. Educating all UTMB disciplines on Women, Infant and Children; Death and Bereavement; Communication in the Healthcare setting.
2. Providing students opportunities to support UTMB patients and families with the Angel Cart.
3. Providing bereavement support to UTMB patients and families.
4. Participating in local community service events pertaining to Women, Infant, and Children populations.